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Join Us!

Sunday Morning Prayer 9:30 am
Sunday School 10:00 am

Morning Worship 11:00 am


Tuesday Evening Bible Study

Scripture Memorization list



Romans 12:1


John 11:35 


Dr. Hayward Nesbitt

Hello family, visitors, & friends  

     Are you looking for a new church, that preaches the word unfiltered to a loving group of saints?  Well, look no further! I am excited to share with you the exciting new move occuring at IHOP as we rebuild for the end times while looking for the appearance of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ!!!  


Sunday Morning Prayer begins @ 9:30


    Our am prayer session begins with a team of intecessors that gather  together to fire up the service and usher in the Holy Spirit!!! d 9:


Sunday School  10:00 am


      Sunday School at Intimacy House of Prayer offers an engaging, lively, early-morning study into lessons about how to develop Godly character.  


Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 am  --

           Corporate Worship & Adoration / Giving /

           Anointed Teaching & Passionate Preaching!


  Tuesday Night Bible Study - 6:30 pm

       On Tuesday nights Dr. Nesbit provides bible study lessons for all ages. Bring your highlighters, pens and note pads!  Prepare to ask questions, learn and be illuminated with knowledge from all 66 books of the bible. 


Family & Friends


   You don't want to miss  these services!!! Remember, the new man is renewed in KNOWLEDGE after the image of the one that created Him! Colossians 3:10. 


 Come!  Let's develop and deepen our salvation experience with the remmanent! Join, Connect and Let's Watch for the appearing of Jesus Christ in the clouds and be caught up together!  Until then we must occupy until he comes!!!


Divine Blessings and Favor to You! 


Dr. Candi Dukes

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